Meet Flossie
Hi! I'm Flossie.

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Hello friends!

It's lovely to meet you

Thank you so much for stopping by our little corner of the internet! The name's Robin and I hail from the chilly, yet charming, north. I love nothing more than sharing my thoughts and opinions on all sorts of dog products, capturing our daily shenanigans on camera, and spinning up fun little yarns about my furry best friend, Flossie.

Speaking of Flossie, let me tell you a bit about her. She's not your average pup, no sir. She's got brains, beauty, and a wild imagination to boot. We're always looking to push creative boundaries and share our work with those who appreciate good info and daily dog life.

Thanks for bouncing onto our website and taking a gander at what we have in store. We're excited to share our journey with you, so stick around and let's have some fun!

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